Your family tree

Have you always wondered about your ancestors? Where did they come from originally? What did they do? Are there any “skeletons in your closet”!!
But, where to start?
Well, I can help
Why me?
In 2002 my husband started to work away from home during the week and I had two young children to look after. So, what to do every evening? I had a couple of queries with grand-parents that I wanted to know more about so I started my research. All these years later, I have over 5000 names in my tree and more 9th cousins than I know what to do with! Did I find the answers about my grand-parents? Yes in one case and no in the other. But I found lots of other information and you never stop wanting to know more.
So, how can I help you?
Well, I can’t guarantee so many relatives but I can find you some more information about your ancestors. You will be able to find where they were from and what they did for a living. You will be able to follow their movements every 10 years at the census date.
One Name Study
I have undertaken a one name study of the Gatward name and have lists of Gatward information from the UK and overseas and am always willing to help fellow Gatward researchers so please contact me.
But, where to start?
Well, I can help
Why me?
In 2002 my husband started to work away from home during the week and I had two young children to look after. So, what to do every evening? I had a couple of queries with grand-parents that I wanted to know more about so I started my research. All these years later, I have over 5000 names in my tree and more 9th cousins than I know what to do with! Did I find the answers about my grand-parents? Yes in one case and no in the other. But I found lots of other information and you never stop wanting to know more.
So, how can I help you?
Well, I can’t guarantee so many relatives but I can find you some more information about your ancestors. You will be able to find where they were from and what they did for a living. You will be able to follow their movements every 10 years at the census date.
One Name Study
I have undertaken a one name study of the Gatward name and have lists of Gatward information from the UK and overseas and am always willing to help fellow Gatward researchers so please contact me.